Your Olive Oil Might be Lying to You
The solution is to be highly cautious about the quality of your olive oil. Research your source, and do not assume that because it is a well-known brand, the company is transparent about their product. You also might consider swapping out olive oil for avocado oil. Here’s a quick overview of why:
Benefits of Avocado Oil
- The nutritional quality of avocado oil is on par with that of quality olive oil – full of monounsaturated fats and a good omega-3 to 6 ratio.
- Avocado oil has a much higher smoke point that any other oil. It is naturally refined at low temperatures, never using chemicals/solvents or other dangerous extracting methods and the result is a clean, mild tasting, 500 plus degree smoke point oil perfect for everyday use.
- The high smoke point of the oil means that you can do all your medium-high heat cooking with out even coming close to reaching the smoke point. A stovetop stir-fry can reach temperatures around 400 degrees – well below the level when the oil starts to degrade and produce toxins.
- Naturally refined avocado oil is free from impurities and coupled with its high smoke point, is more resistant to the natural oxidation process all oils are succumb to. This gives it a longer shelf life and guarantees that the product will deliver all the health benefits it claims – antioxidants, phytonutrients and omega’s – all while tasting great and enhancing your food (even baked goods!)
- Other high heat cooking oils can be contaminated with dangerous chemicals from the refining process. Some come from genetically modified plants that are not even safe for human consumption in their natural form. Most high heat cooking oils on the market today are heated to very high temperatures to extract the oil, killing any nutritional properties that may have existed